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VERY interesting indeed William, thank you for sharing! My recommendations to customers will now change accordingly :)

Large file size remains a valid test of whether or not the content creator knows what they are doing. I opened an 804 KB model of a Florida Heat Pump, deleted and purged their logo and saved it out at 224 KB.

The "I" in BIM stands for information - not intelligence. And the information in MEP families (parameters) just should not add much size. And please William, when you talk to manufacturers, tell them to use type catalogs.

In the FHP example removing the logo MAY have dropped the file size by nearly 600 KB, but that's unlikely.

Revit has a nasty habit of doubling your family file size sometimes when you do a Save.

The best way we've found to guarantee the smallest family file size is to do a SaveAs to a totally new file name.

Odds are in your case doing a SaveAs first would have dropped the family file size to about 400 KB, then deleting the logo and doing a SaveAs again would have dropped it to the 224 KB final size.

Good catch Gabe - indeed it is "Information" and not Intelligence - not sure what I was thinking. Perhaps subconsciously I am hoping that all contents' information would be intelligently done too, like using type catalogs like you suggest. I think I'll focus the next post on type catalogs.

That is interesting to hear that nested family cause such a size issue, I would also advocate for their elimination because of the difficult of manipulating a model with multiple nested family. Good post!

Visual complexity is more important than file size. We have large Revit files ~400Mb, which do take a while to load. But you only do that once a day. The biggest annoyance is regen time. And regen time is linked to how much calculating Revit has to do to work out what is hidden behind what. So some tips:
- use Visibiliy/Graphics Overide in families to hide things that won't be seen in a view direction, or will appear tiny (e.g. switches seen from left/right).
- never use model geometry in plan view. Turn if off using Visibiliy/Graphics Overide. Use Symbolic lines & masking regions instead.
- avoid curved surfaces where possible.
We are currently trialing families that have 2 sets of geometry in them, full 3D, and simplified 3D. Each is on their own sub-category (3D Rep & 3S Rep) to control visibility in views. It means we can have 3D views showing full representation for design presentation, as well views with simplified geometery for everything else.

A note on 'SaveAs' - you don't have to save as another name, just hit the Options... button bottom right of SaveAs dialog, and tick 'Compact File'.

You make some good points Antony. I failed to delineate in my own mind, and to clarify when I wrote that, that larger file size does not necessarily mean you have a file that will slow Revit down. It is, as you correctly point out above, geometric complexity that wears away at Revit's speed and responsiveness.

Your idea about creating a two-in-one file with one detailed and one simplified is intriguing, and I am sure anyone following this will want to know how it turned out for you. Please do check back to let us know if results were favorable or not.


مشكووور والله يعطيك العافيه

goood thenksss

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